Saturday, July 31, 2004

newsflash: common sense in short supply

So this guy walks into a dealership in town here and he pulls a gun on a dealer over some bad financing that his daughter got when she signed for a car the other day.

My job has something to do with financing and loan dealie things. I hear from dealers and customers all the time. I'm not defending all dealers because I know of many bad ones across the country but pulling a gun on someone to solve a problem?


Hey, dumbass....reality check here! Your daughter should not have gone in and signed for a car by herself if she was gonna whine about it to you later on because she felt she got screwed and BTW, it wasn't like SHE had the gun to her head to sign anything! Why is it so hard to just get up and walk away?!?! This isn't rocket science here. It's just common sense. If you don't think you are getting a good deal, don't pick up the pen and sign!! I've lost track of how many phone calls I get about someone who felt they got screwed by the dealer because they didn't read over their entire contract. It's in writing. You are supposed to get a copy of what you signed to take with you when you leave the showroom. You should not go home and whine that you got a bum deal. TOUGH SHIT. Maybe you'll learn a valuable lesson and some damn personal responsibilty. It's no one's fault but your own, genius.


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