Friday, August 27, 2004

True Life: MTV persuaded me to give up Mcflurries forever!

I was not satisfied with my dinner last night. For some reason, I was still deeply hungry- at least mentally. So much so that I considered a Mcflurry AND one chocolate chip cookie, although two could easily be crumbled into a big Mcflurry cup but lucky for me, McDonald’s only sells them in packs of 3! I would have been set for the evening.

But then, while channel flipping, I caught True Life: I’m Obese. It was like a train wreck and I couldn’t tear myself away. I was utterly disgusted by what I was watching. I was squirming in my seat. I was literally nauseous. I was not going to go get that Mcflurry any time soon.

I felt sorry for everyone on the show. Amy, who couldn’t take more than a few steps at a time, was getting gastric bypass surgery. Corey, who ate and ate and ate, was trying to be approved for the surgery. And Frances, who was a confident plus-sized model, had boobs that reached to her belly button.

I applauded Frances for being who she is and have the courage to do modeling gigs although I can imagine that it’s absolutely nerve wrecking. Especially when she isn’t going to be in a show with other plus-size models just smaller folk (and on that note, let me say that I really think the modeling show that picked her, even though everyone else was a twig, was just doing so for the camera…the MTV camera…as in, FREE publicity… yeah, I’m on to them). But I do like her spunk and her great fashion sense (was that The Avenue that she was shopping at?). Something that wasn’t mentioned, and I am sure is a problem, is the amount of back pain that she must suffer because of those boobs. She and I weigh the same amount. I cannot imagine having breasts the size of Montana.

I felt bad for Amy, being so lonely and stuck in her house all the time. Lymphedema seems like such a horrible, horrible condition. It’s bad enough that she’s obese but Lymphedema seems like a double punishment. Not being able to bath herself, move more than a few steps in any direction, walk with a walker or ride in a wheelchair, go out to eat on a regular basis.... that has to just completely suck! If I were in her shoes, I would risk death to lose weight. She made the right choice. She's suffered enough.

Corey, on the other hand, does not deserve the surgery. He shoves everything in his mouth like a vacuum cleaner and then he cries when he's at the community pool because he's too afraid to get out of the water in front of everyone. Uh, hello! There is an easier solution than a difficult, life-threatening surgery. He needs to go on a strict diet with plenty of exercise! It disgusts me that he would be approved for a surgery at such a young age (he's 17) and he would eat everything around him because, according to him, "it won't be like this after the surgery". It doesn't have to be like that right now either! I don't know what the outcome was, (the follow up said that he was still waiting for approval after 5 weeks), but I would hope that someone would bust in and make him change his habits ala Dr. Phil. His mother seemed like one of those helpless women who talk as loud as a whisper. She obviously had no effect and no control over him. He needs to go to fat camp for a year or two. Sorry, but I'm just calling it as I see it!

So after watching this whole episode, I was thoroughly disgusted and the thought of a Mcflurry (to sooth the anguish of the monthly visitor) just made me wanna puke. And then, I had to fight James over going and getting one. I couldn't believe that he sat next to me, watched the same TV that I did, and he still wanted to hop over to McDeath's and still get one! WTF?? I really let him have it. I really laid into him and I used the guilty tactic of saying that we spend sooooo much on food (being on the Atkins diet drives the price up because it's all fresh food and not pre-packaged, frozen or full of carbohydrates or weird chemicals... I used to pay around $30 a week for groceries, now it fluctuates between $45-55 a week) and how dare he go and ruin a perfectly good week by grabbing a Mcflurry. It's like one big fucking waste if you ask me. Why spend so much money, to the point of having none left over, if we are just going to hamper our efforts all the time?



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