Thursday, December 16, 2004

Eugene Public Library

©Punkin Dunkin Productions

©Punkin Dunkin Productions

The new library is a beautiful building. The circular staircase and skylight are really a sight to see. I love spending time there. I took home a stack of books, as did my roommate. I am only limited by the length of my arms.
Speaking of books, I got this book at St. Vincent's last week called The Time Traveler's Wife and it is by Audrey Niffenegger. I bought it for $1.99 hardcover. I took the 500 page book home and read it in 2 days....well maybe 2 and 1/2 days (it was over finals week). It was so addictive! What I didn't realize till I went to Borders today is that it's on the bestseller list. I got it for 2 bucks and it was so totally worth it. I'd say it's the best book I've read all year.


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